When You Want to Grow the Business But Can’t Find the Way

We have a new government talking about growth in the economy, we have interest rates falling (at last) and maybe, just maybe, many business owners are thinking about growth and growing their business after just ‘treading water’ for some time.

We all know of course that in business there is not such thing as ‘treading water’ because, whatever the market and economic conditions, someone – yes, one of your competitors, will be ‘devouring you lunch’ and ‘making hay’ while the sun doesn’t necessarily shine.

What is it about these businesses that continue to see them lead the pack? A key factor is that they are prepared and willing to think somewhat differently and open their minds to new ideas and initiatives, technology and external expert assistance that makes a huge difference.

I was talking to one of our clients just last week who, when we first got involved was indeed treading water – consistently selling between £3.5 million and £4.0 million a year but they couldn’t break their ‘glass ceiling’. With a little support from us and some new ideas and a little ‘growth fairy dust’ as outlined below they are now turning over £6.25 million with a very healthy EBIT – what did they do? They opened their mind, experienced as they were, to new ideas and thoughts that transformed their performance.

The ’fairy dust’ lies in our ‘5 Key Steps to Exceptional Business Growth’ – these are:

Picturing a Step Change

Harnessing Know How

Applying Creative Thinking

Acting in the Action Zone and…

Developing and Using Positive Mindsets

A Gift on Us!

Here’s a gift for you – click here to get access to our book on the above subject and have a read for yourself – if you are serious, you’ll learn a lot and if you implement it correctly, you’ll grow a lot! The key is in the implementation and we’re happy to make that happen with you and for you – just click here to book a free/ no obligation meeting and we’ll be in touch.

Enjoy the book

David Turner
MD Tinderbox and Director of The Growth Experts 

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