How to Really Get to Work on Strategy

Strategy is effectively the choices that you make to go after your goals. In our experience coming up with strategies is often an easier thing for business leaders to do than implementing them fully – that said, choosing the RIGHT strategies is always a key challenge.

We often talk about limiting versus positive mindsets in our work and particularly our Workshops with business leaders. When people are exhausted or overwhelmed working in their business, they cannot find the time or the energy to try something different – they stick to the status quo and sadly get the same results. They don’t have the time or inclination to step back and work ON the business. People stick to the familiar ‘we have always done it this way’ – ‘this is how it works here’ and innovative ideas and strategies never get on the launch pad. Frustration follows as those most desired goals are not achieved.

There is no panacea for these challenges but there are some things that leaders can do to make things significantly better:

Focus on what really matters and the actions needed to accomplish it.

Take account of preferences as well as responsibilities. How would an ideal week work out in terms of allocation of time and effort? This allows you to focus on the things that are truly important and while you will not see transformation you will be moving in the right direction.
Write down the strategy for your organisation or division – select a portion of time in the week to focus on this and write down the best actions that you or others could take to increase the success of your strategies. Think about:

  • How to succeed.
  • Where to focus.
  • Where to deploy resources.
  • Motivating people.
  • Listening and interpreting feedback from customers and employees and how to respond.
  • Encouraging new thinking, new ideas and new actions.
  • Taking action against behaviours that block progress and rewarding excellence in behaviour.
  • Making time to be visible.

Decide what’s the most important issue…

  • What is our biggest opportunity?
  • How does this help us deliver our strategy and hit our goals?
  • What actions do we need to take to address this opportunity?

Consider your choices:

Think about:

  • What role do you need to play?
  • What can you add that others cannot?
  • What do you want to learn more about by getting involved?

Be sure you have the competencies.

What do you need to know and know well to make a great contribution? A new way of thinking? A skill you need to demonstrate, such as presenting, decision-making, or negotiating? Focus clearly on the specific improvements you can make. This could involve:

  • Learning from what has gone before.
  • Asking people who know you well for advice on what you should do better.
  • Observing others and noticing what they operate at a higher level of proficiency on and how you might match that proficiency.

Marshal your resources

If you are depleted team wise it is tough, if not impossible, to make smart choices about where to focus and what to do day in and day out. You are often the key resource and to be in this best shape to make the right choices you need to take care of yourself as a person – nutrition, sleep, exercise, enjoyment etc. This taking care of yourself will put you in the best position as a key resource to make the right choices – in doing this:

  • Think of past successes and your sense of purpose to encourage positive thinking.
  • Teamwork: Surround yourself with people who amplify and complement your contribution.
  • Environment: Create the best possible place to get the work done, whether in an office or at home or elsewhere.

We often focus on organisational obstacles as excuses for why we cannot execute and implement strategies. But we must realise that our personal limitations, practices and biases also prevent us from translating intent into strategic actions.
The good news is that there are plenty of opportunities to make systematic choices throughout the day that increase your chances of making your strategy a success. Follow the guidance above and you will have a much greater chance of choosing wisely and delivering the success you seek.
If you need help in initiating strategy for your business and thereby moving towards your goals get in touch with us at/ on 0116 232 5231 or email us at

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