Why Have a Why?

A short story for you. When the pandemic struck the whole nature and face of our Consultancy business changed overnight. From a situation of having many Workshops arranged with our partners (Banks and Accountants) and their customers/ clients, the lockdown knocked out, instantly, every one of them and with it a powerful source of connection with our potential clients. As a result, the how we connected was eradicated and we could not therefore deliver what we do to help our clients and we could not deliver
on our purpose, our WHY.

So, what drove us on in such worrying times – our WHY!! Our WHY is the reason we are in business and after the lockdown shock, when we focused on our WHY we thought beyond Workshops and face to face Consulting and said to ourselves what can we do to deliver on our WHY? WHY we exist is pretty simple:

We believe that every business should have this chance. With this WHY firmly in our mind the challenge then became for us how to deliver on this purpose in a hugely changed and restricted marketplace.

We changed our connection approach by hosting informative and helpful Webinars which were extremely well received and a welcome break for businesses from lockdown boredom.

But crucially we looked at how else we could deliver our expertise and experience to be accessed and utilised by SME’s whenever they need it, without the need to meet with us in person. From this thinking was born The Box Academy (you can click here to access it). This platform provides personalised advice, support and fabulous courses and business tools from the Tinderbox team of experts, all available online for a small membership fee.

The point here is that if we had merely focused on what we do and how we do it, we would have been well and truly stumped. As our face-to-face consulting business grows once again, we now have another ‘string to our bow’ in The Box Academy which also delivers on our WHY – providing a double helping of support for our valued clients to make them successful or more successful.

Without a clear WHY we may not have come through but by knowing it and focusing on it we found that it steered us through the toughest of times and on to much better times as a result.

2023 will be tough for many, many businesses but if you know your WHY, your purpose, you will have a great asset to ensure that you get through. To quote Shakespeare’s Lady Macbeth, in response to the question ‘’What if we fail?’’

‘‘We fail. But screw your courage to the sticking place and we’ll not fail.’’

Make your WHY your ‘sticking place’ and you will have every chance of success!!

If you need some help and advice on finding and working with your WHY – why not get in touch with us at ignite@tinderboxbusinessdevelopment.co.uk or call us on 0116 232 5231.

Why not have a look at our online learning platform, E-Learn, where you can find our interactive video-based online courses which combine professional presenters, animated graphics, interactive games and questions to keep participants engaged and are available anytime, anyplace on any web-enabled device. E-Learn courses are developed in accordance with current legislation, accredited by industry leading associations and approved by professional bodies.

Click here to access an E-Learn free trial.

The Tinderbox Team

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