Passion & Purpose

What is the PURPOSE of your business? If you are a business owner or manager, why does your business exist?

What does it deliver to your target market that your competitors do not?

These are fundamentally important questions that you must be able to answer if you are to stand a chance of making ground or more importantly being a leader in your market. Your Purpose isn’t what you do or even how you do it – your Purpose is WHY you do what you do.

Many years ago, when still a very small business the two founders of Sony had a big challenge – they were faced with a global perspective that the quality of goods coming out of Japan was poor. Their defining purpose became to ‘change the perception of Japanese products as being poor in quality’. Driven by this purpose and passion and after a number of attempted product launches that were not that successful, they remained committed to quality, kept experimenting and hit on the Sony Pocketable Radio in 1952. Without that driving Purpose would they have kept going???

Businesses with a real Purpose, which their people understand and engage with, get more momentum, they get their team to ‘hop on the train’ and enjoy the journey towards hitting their business goals. Tinderbox’s own Purpose of ‘making businesses successful or more successful’ is a tremendous motivator for our people and what drives them on to help as many SME’s as they possibly can. We get motivated by other businesses doing really well – we are passionate about it!

So, what Purpose can you define for your business that will ignite the passion amongst your people and fire your business to the next level? If you have a clear and defined Purpose, great, live it through your people and your business, but if you cannot define clearly why your business exists (and it cannot be just another ‘also ran’ or the same as the rest) you must differentiate what you provide to the market and get your target customer / client to recognise why you are different. Through this the road to success will be much smoother.

With very difficult times ahead the businesses who have defined themselves in terms of Purpose and have their team fully behind them have very chance of thriving while other competition flounders.

Want some help in defining your purpose? Get in touch with us at or call us on 0116 232 5231.

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The Tinderbox Team

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